Saint-Saëns Excerpt – Carnival of the Animals: Fossils

ABOP was established to support and guide young and emerging Black orchestral percussionists

Recognizing the lack of diversity in the field of classical music performance, and identifying a need to increase the pool of qualified Black percussionists in our country’s symphonic orchestras, a team of professional Black orchestral percussionists and educators came together in 2021 to lay the foundation for the Alliance of Black Orchestral Percussionists. 

ABOP’s goal is to change the paradigm of representation in orchestras by guiding, supporting, and empowering future generations of Black orchestral percussionists.

To reach this goal, ABOP has implemented the Black Orchestral Percussion Mentorship Program, a training program—the first of its kind—to guide and motivate Black orchestral percussionists to realize their full potential.

The Mentorship Program will boost national percussion audition rosters with exceptional Black candidates who are prepared, well-trained, and strong contenders for any orchestral position across America.  By guiding Black percussionists and providing long-range support and direction, ABOP is determined to increase the number, as well as raise the performance level, of Black percussionists preparing to audition for universities/conservatories, and eventually, orchestra positions.



The Alliance of Black Orchestral Percussionists (ABOP) aims to increase the diversity of percussionists in symphony orchestras by providing guidance and support to Black orchestral percussionists through a comprehensive mentorship program administered by a community of dedicated musicians, educators, and businesses.


The Alliance of Black Orchestral Percussionists (ABOP) envisions increased representation of Black percussionists in symphony orchestras, thereby creating more diversity on stage and achieving a greater degree of community.


ABOP is an IRS tax-exempt 501(c)(3) California non-profit organization.
Donations are tax-deductible.
Tax ID#: 86-3766674